The Foundation’s Classroom Grant Program has offered teachers a resource to fund programs, equipment and projects that might not have been possible without a FCEF Classroom Grant. The Foundation has awarded grants totaling over $350,000, but the requests have totaled well over $1,500,000.
In addition to Classroom Grants, the Foundation has worked to increase the Scholarship Endowment Fund. Each year we see increased costs for a college education or technical training. This past year the Foundation presented 90 scholarships to seniors from all three county high schools.
Our Board of Directors and Administration
The Foundation is administered by an independent Board of Directors composed of
parents, school administrators and community leaders.
Lorri Iden, President
Carolyn Williams, 1st Vice President
Kate Mullen, Treasurer/Secretary
Mary Nordman, Executive Director
James Angelo Kristen Anderson
Kate Chappell George Hummer
Daniel Snapp Christie Jett
Mark Stivers Melissa Youngblood
Dena Kent, In Memoriam
“Statement of Expectation”
The goal of the Board of Directors of the Foundation is to fund programs that enable innovative educational experiences for the students of Frederick County Public Schools. When we meet as a Board we do so without regard to our personal, political and religious philosophies. Our focus should be on the mission of the Foundation and its steady growth.
Click the arrow in the upper right-hand corner of image below to see full document.